New Features added into the AEPDS mobile application.
- Distribution Points
- Distribution Status
Procedure to get the new Version of AEPDS mobile application version 6.3 :
- Open Google Play Store in volunteer mobile
- Search for AEPDS mobile app
- Unistall and reinstall the AEPDS app.
Procedure to capture Distribution points(1/3) :
- This option to enter distrubtion point identified in the coordination with MDU operator and VRO by the Volunteer.
- Click on Distribution points details.
Procedure to Capture Distribution Points (2/3) :
- The screen beside will appear after clicking the Distribution points button.
- Follow the below steps:
- Select day of distribution in the volunteer cluster.
- Distribution point name.
- One of the carholder mobile number at the identified distribution point.
- The details should be entered for all the distribution points identified in coordination with MDU and VRO by clicking CLICK TO ADD MORE LOCATIONS.
- After entering all the distrubtion points of the Volunteer click submit.
Procedure to Capture Distribution Points (3/3) :
- After successful submission of Distribution points, the following sucess message will be displayed as below.
Procedure to Capture Distribution Status (1/2) :
- This option to report distribution completion status at the identified distribution points by the Volunteers.
- Click on the Distribution Status icon as shown beside to report distribution status at identifies points.
Procedure to Capcture Distribution Status (2/2) :
- Select the distrubtion points where distrubtion is done location will be captuted automatically.
- Take one photo of distrubtion in volunteer cluster and click on submit.
- Sucess message will be displayed as below, after submitting the data.
Google play store link